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Welcome to Hypnogoria, Britain's longest running horror podcast!

Coming to you from the Great Library of Dreams, Mr Jim Moon invites you to take a comfy armchair by the fireside to talk of all things weird and wonderful. Here we discuss strange cinema and spooky television, explore weird fiction and delve into the mysteries of folklore. Plus we also regularly gather by the fireside to hear readings of some classic tales of the strange and the macabre.

Jan 27, 2019

In this episode Mr Jim Moon takes a look at the recent Netflix horror release Bird Box starring Sandra Bullock. In the first section of the show, we have a spoiler-free look at this movie before taking off the blindfolds in the second half to head down river into spoiler-territory, delving into the history of the movie...

Jan 20, 2019

Appearing in the British comedy horror comic Shiver and Shake, every week a new mutant monstrosity escaped the pen of Ken Reid. And now the crazed creatures from this marvellous menagerie has been rounded and collected together in a handsome new tome from Rebellion - Ken Reid's Creepy Creations. Mr Jim Moon explains...

Jan 12, 2019

In the first show for a new year, Mr Jim Moon takes us back to the sleepy parish of Stoneground, where EG Swain has another eerie tale to tell, one that occurred upon a cold and frosty January night...