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Welcome to Hypnogoria, Britain's longest running horror podcast!

Coming to you from the Great Library of Dreams, Mr Jim Moon invites you to take a comfy armchair by the fireside to talk of all things weird and wonderful. Here we discuss strange cinema and spooky television, explore weird fiction and delve into the mysteries of folklore. Plus we also regularly gather by the fireside to hear readings of some classic tales of the strange and the macabre.

Oct 1, 2023

In the final part of this epic podcast series we look at the final seasons of the celebrated BBC 2 late night horror doubles which sadly came to an end in 1983

Sep 24, 2023

In this episode the late horror bills enter the 1980s, and had become popular enough to bag the cover of the Radio Times!

Sep 15, 2023

We look back at the last BBC2 horror double bills of the 1970s - the Monster Double Bill season of 1978 and Masters of Terror in 1979

Sep 3, 2023

In this show we take at a look back at the horror double bills screened on BBC2 in the late 1970s.Firstly we explore the 1976 season which was entitled Masters of Terror and then the longest ever season of summer horror doubles bills, Dracula, Frankenstein and Friends in summer 1977!

Aug 20, 2023

In this episode we discover the secret origins of the BBC2 horror double bills and take a close look at the very first season which aired in the summer of 1975 - the Midnight Movie Fantastic Double Bill season!