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Welcome to Hypnogoria, Britain's longest running horror podcast!

Coming to you from the Great Library of Dreams, Mr Jim Moon invites you to take a comfy armchair by the fireside to talk of all things weird and wonderful. Here we discuss strange cinema and spooky television, explore weird fiction and delve into the mysteries of folklore. Plus we also regularly gather by the fireside to hear readings of some classic tales of the strange and the macabre.

Nov 27, 2011

Due to various factors, this week Mr Jim Moon hands over the reins to a special guest host, and so we have Mr Vincent Price presenting two tales illustrating The Price of Fear!  In the first he co-stars with fellow horror legend Mr Peter Cushing, and in the second finds himself in a tale penned…

Nov 19, 2011

Once more we’re back at the fireside of the Great Library of Dreams, but this time Mr Jim Moon has something a little different for you all… A classic mystery tale of crime and detection from the very wonderful GK Chesterton.

Nov 13, 2011

Mr Jim Moon continues his epic exploration of Bat-history! This time discovering what lay in store for the Batman in the latter half of the 1970s! Warning - may contain Bat-Mite!

Nov 6, 2011

As autumn shades into winter, it’s time to draw close to the fireside once more and for Mr Jim Moon to open up again the Casebook of Carnacki the Ghost Finder…