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Welcome to Hypnogoria, Britain's longest running horror podcast!

Coming to you from the Great Library of Dreams, Mr Jim Moon invites you to take a comfy armchair by the fireside to talk of all things weird and wonderful. Here we discuss strange cinema and spooky television, explore weird fiction and delve into the mysteries of folklore. Plus we also regularly gather by the fireside to hear readings of some classic tales of the strange and the macabre.

Feb 27, 2022

As a follow up to our three part series on the history of the horror anthology book, in this show Mr Jim investigates why there was such an explosion of horror novels, and indeed, a whole pantheon of horror writers, springing out of nowhere in the 1980s!

Feb 20, 2022

In our final exploration of the history of horror anthologies and the brilliant women who edited the leading titles in the field, we look at the spooky collections for younger readers from Barbara Ireson, and the remarkable career of Mary Danby who helmed the Armada Ghost Books and  the Fontana Book of Great...

Feb 13, 2022

In this podcast, Mr Jim delves further into the history of the horror anthology, detailing the legacy and influence of pioneering editors such as Helen Hoke and Christine Bernard, and paperback ranges such as the Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories and The Armada Ghost Books.

Feb 6, 2022

For Women in Horror Month, in this episode Mr Jim delves into the history of the horror anthology and discovered how several pioneering ladies of literature curated ground-breaking collections of weird fiction!