Mar 26, 2023
In this second show on weird gazetteers, we take a look at some hefty tomes that map and detail folklore and legends in the British Isles, and these include An Atlas of Magical Britain (1990) by Janet and Colin Bord (1990), Folklore, Myths and Legends of Britain (1973) ed. Geoffrey Ashe, and The Lore of the Land (2005)...
Mar 12, 2023
As a little sidestep between looking at ghostly gazetteers, in this appropriately rambling show, Mr Jim talks about the marvels of Mr Marek Larwood and the Cool Dudes Walking Club
Mar 5, 2023
A little chat from the fireside in which we have updates on my on-going health situation and what's coming up in the next month or so on my shows