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Welcome to Hypnogoria, Britain's longest running horror podcast!

Coming to you from the Great Library of Dreams, Mr Jim Moon invites you to take a comfy armchair by the fireside to talk of all things weird and wonderful. Here we discuss strange cinema and spooky television, explore weird fiction and delve into the mysteries of folklore. Plus we also regularly gather by the fireside to hear readings of some classic tales of the strange and the macabre.

Jun 18, 2017

To mark the passing of the late great Adam West, Mr Jim Moon pays tribute with a special chapter of Bat-history - a complete commentary for Batman the Movie (1966)

Jul 30, 2016

In this chapter of Bat-history, we hit the 1970s and discover the adventures on vinyl the Caped Crusader had with Power Records!

Jun 26, 2016

Welcome back Bat-fans! In this chapter of Bat history we encounter the many strange and bizarre things - the Penguin going jazz, the Riddler crooning, obsessive Boy Wonder fans, and Germanic Batmen! For we are exploring the lurid vinyl underground of Gotham, cataloguing the many cash-in records that appeared in the wake...

Mar 28, 2014

Pin back your ears Bat-fans! In the tenth part of our Bat-history, Mr Jim Moon continues his exploration of the Caped Crusader's adventures in audio, detailing the slew of vinyl that appeared in the wake of the 1966 TV show. We delve into a brace of LPs from Tifton - a Children's Treasury of Musical Batman Stories and...

Feb 2, 2014

Yes at long last we are returning to Gotham City for another helping of Bat-history. In this episode, Mr Jim Moon explores Batman on the radio, looking at the attempts in the 1940s and 1950s to launch a Caped Crusader audio serial and the Dynamic Duo’s aural team-ups with the Man of Steel!